“At 15, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Until then I had been healthy, always playing hockey. But my body wasn’t digesting food and any nutrients I was getting were leaving my body pretty quick. At one point I was up to almost 40 pills a day and on IV medication. It got so bad I had to have surgeries to fully remove my colon and set up the ostomy bag. I didn’t go to parties. I had to take tests and exams in special rooms so the bag wouldn’t go off in class and make noise. I couldn’t control it and it was pretty embarrassing. It still is.
It was only years later, once I got the ileostomy bag reversed, that I started doing more. When I was really sick, I looked into nutrition a lot. I became really passionate about it and it helped me. It led me to get my Diploma in Natural Nutrition and now I’m taking Sports and Leisure at Holland College. I still end up in the hospital three to four times a year with flare-ups and infections, but that’s colitis. If it wasn’t for The Moncton Hospital I don’t know what would have happened to me. They were the ones who took the initiative with the surgery and getting me the best care. Even though I’m not a little kid anymore, I still go to pediatrics floor because they know me there. The nurses there are like second moms to me. Even when I just need someone to talk to. They just take such great care of me.” – Tyler
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