Andrew and Katelyn
“Watching Katelyn stop breathing, taking in one big gasp of air every three to five minutes, there were a lot of sleepless nights.
At eight months old, she started snoring heavily. She had tubes put in her ears but it wasn’t enough. She wasn’t developing physically; she wasn’t crawling and was extremely sluggish. Her oxygen levels were low and her heart rate would dip – it was very serious and rarely happened in kids her age. Most nights we’d be up between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. because Katelyn would be sick in her sleep.
We brought her into the hospital one night, she was still sleeping. Dr. Blayney, our Pediatrician, took one look at her and said, ‘That’s not good.’ Within five minutes we were up in Pediatrics and she was on an IV. Everything went from there.
She was diagnosed with sleep apnea and had her tonsils and adenoids removed. They usually like to wait until the child is at least three years old, but Katelyn couldn’t wait. The surgeon said Katelyn had the biggest tonsils she had ever removed from a child.
Now we bring Katelyn to The Moncton Hospital every month for physiotherapy and checkups with Dr. Blayney. But the surgery fixed everything – it’s been a 360 since. She’s a year and a half now. If it wasn’t for Dr. Blayney pushing for that surgery, Katelyn might not have lived past two.” – Andrew
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