Katherine Reeder
“This will be wonderful for so many women. And men too.”
Katherine Reeder is very familiar with everything The Moncton Hospital has to offer. As a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) at The Moncton Hospital, she’s been at the bedside, comforting thousands of patients over the years. This past year, she was a patient herself.
“I’ve been having routine mammograms for probably twenty years. I have one every year.
This past June, I got a call back two or three days later which has never happened before. Dr. Heather Tait wanted to see me, and she told me that I would need a core biopsy. When I got the results, it was a cancer called DCIS which is in the milk gland. Treatment is normally a lumpectomy and radiation, but because of my health history, Dr. Tait did some research and we opted to go with the double mastectomy.”
“When you’re in a medical field and you’re a nurse, you often think the worst. But I knew I was in good hands with Dr. Tait. I also had a lot of support from family, and friends, and my coworkers especially, because I worked in the oncology clinic, so everybody was wonderful.”
“I have always been proud to say I worked at The Moncton Hospital. With the new 3D mammography technology that this campaign is for, there are lots of women, and I believe some men too, that will benefit from it. It will be able to pick up more irregularities in the breast and, be a little more precise without having to do anything invasive.”
“I’ve had cancer numerous times. It started when I was fifteen years old and I will be sixty-five in the spring so I’ve had a good run. I feel blessed. Three weeks after my mastectomy, Dr. Tait told me everything is fine and that there’s no more need for treatment. As we left the Katherine Wright Centre, my husband said, ‘Don’t you think the sun is shining a little brighter now?’ It did seem to be that way.”
“If I was giving this new 3D mammography equipment as a gift, it would be for my sister, Lisa. I would want her to have the top of the line care. I also think of my sisters-in-law and my nieces. What better gift can you give than the gift of health?”
“I’m really, really happy to be a part of this campaign. Hopefully it won't be a long time in reaching the goal.” –Katherine Reeder, LPN, Breast Cancer Patient
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