“There seemed to be a cycle to it: I’d be in misery for three or four months and then get a little bit of relief. I could tell when it was coming on because I’d get a sore throat… then the testicle pain would start. I lived like that for over 20 years.
The whole thing began back in 1979. I was up in the rafters of a church we were building when a crane knocked it down. I fell 16 feet. I had rods put in my back and developed prostate troubles. You see, when I fell, I landed on my feet, which drove urine from my bladder into my prostate gland. Chronic back pain was bad enough, but add chronic testicular pain on top of it – there were days I couldn’t get out of bed, I was sick to my stomach because I was in such intense pain. I would go days without sleep and then would sleep for 12 hours straight because I was just so exhausted.
These past five years have been the worst – just brutal, debilitating, terrible, terrible pain. I couldn’t leave my house. When I could, I would plan my days around the pain – I only had a small window of time to do anything before it got too bad. The new Urologist I was working with tried different treatments but with very little results. That’s when he referred me to Dr. Quartey at The Moncton Hospital. After discussing my history with Dr. Quartey and having an MRI, he said, ‘I think I can help you.’ I picked him up and I hugged him.
I went in for surgery on a Friday. Dr. Quartey installed an implant among vertebrae near my tailbone. He also installed the generator that controls the implant in my side, just below the skin’s surface. On Saturday morning, we turned it on to test out the frequency – the goal was to reduce my pain by 50%. Instantly, the pain was gone. I didn’t even need post-op medication. I was running on a high from how good it felt to be pain-free. I think I still am. I can’t explain how that feels. There’s nothing like it. It’s made me very humble. If it weren’t for the rods in my back from the accident I’d do back flips.” – Doug
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