Jessica Harding
“In July, I noticed that there was a little spot on the side of my tongue. At first I thought it was just a cold sore that may have spread. It was the same pain that you would get with a cold sore on your lip, but it just wouldn’t heal and eating was getting difficult. I made 3 or 4 trips to the walk-in clinic because I knew something wasn’t right. The doctor there referred me to Dr. Melong (Ear Nose Throat Specialist) at The Moncton Hospital. Right away, as soon as I saw him, he did a scope and a biopsy.
I was diagnosed with a tongue tumour in September 2021. I was scared. There were a lot of ups and downs, and crying, and trying to figure it out. Dr. Melong was amazing. Right away, he had a plan.
My second night after surgery, everything was locked down because there ended up being a Covid outbreak. I remember waking up and there was a nurse sitting there and she was holding my hand. I couldn’t speak because of my tongue, so she handed me a white board, and I questioned her, like, “You’re so busy. Why are you here sitting with me?” and she said, “We’re your family.”
It was a very stressful time for the hospital staff, but they were still worried if I was ok. They just made me feel like everything was gonna be alright."
Tongue Cancer Patient
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